


Expert tutors and flexibility - just what Choon Chung needed



Expert tutors and flexibility - just what Choon Chung needed

05 Jun 2020

Choon Chung completed the ACA qualification whilst working for Sapura. We had a quick chat with him to find out more about his learning experience with Kaplan.

Hi Choon Chung. What made you choose the Kaplan Live Online classroom?

Actually, I started with the traditional classroom setting, but as my responsibilities got heavier, it’s harder to focus in the class because I would often get calls from my managers. I love the flexibility provided by the Kaplan Live Online classes, because we can just log in from anywhere and it also has lecture recordings, where we can listen back to the recordings if we’ve missed out on the class.

What are the best features of the Live Online classroom?

It is definitely the flexibility, where we can just watch it from anywhere. I also love that the lecturers are very engaging. They will keep asking us questions to make sure that we do not stray off to do other things.

Did you find the Kaplan platforms and content easy to use and navigate?

MyKaplan is very easy to use. Everything is in one place. The links, the materials, the calendar. I won’t miss a single class because everything is there in MyKaplan.

How would you rate the interactivity of the classes?

The classes are very interactive. It’s more like Skype, a real-time online class, and not just a video. We are able to see the tutor on the screen, and we’re about to ask him and other students questions.

How would you rate the quality of the tutors?

They are excellent. They are very experienced and knowledgeable in their own areas, and some of them are even industry experts where they can share real life experiences with us. It really makes the whole thing more practical.

What are the elements which contributed to your exam success?

I completed six papers with Kaplan within 18 months. Kaplan classes normally start very early, about 4 to 5 months before the exam, so it gives us ample preparation time to take it slow and steady and not stress ourselves too much just before the exam. The tutors also train us very well in terms of time management. Normally, the time allocated in the exam is very very short, but with Kaplan, we don’t have that issue because we are trained on every single question.

Did you feel you missed out by not attending a “traditional” classroom?

I think the only thing I missed out on is actually getting to know the people in person. While we do set up WhatsApp Groups to communicate with each other, I think it is still different from actually hanging out with each other over time.

What would you like to improve about your Kaplan study experience?

I think it is awesome, I just wish I could meet my classmates. Maybe Kaplan could organise more gatherings for us!

Would you recommend this study method to other students?

I would definitely recommend this to other students because of the flexibility, the ability to watch the recorded classes, the quality of the tutors, and I want my social life. I don’t want to miss out on too many weekend events.

How supportive is your employer towards your study method?

Sapura is very supportive of us. They give us the option to choose our own study method, and I am very grateful for that.

I’m glad that I went on this journey with Kaplan. I would strongly encourage you to do the same!

Interested in studying ACA or trying LiveOnline?

Have a look at our ACA qualification page to find out more about the courses and study methods. If you need any help or more information, you can get in touch with us and we’ll answer any questions you may have.




Expert tutors and flexibility - just what Choon Chung needed



Expert tutors and flexibility - just what Choon Chung needed

05 Jun 2020

Choon Chung completed the ACA qualification whilst working for Sapura. We had a quick chat with him to find out more about his learning experience with Kaplan.

Hi Choon Chung. What made you choose the Kaplan Live Online classroom?

Actually, I started with the traditional classroom setting, but as my responsibilities got heavier, it’s harder to focus in the class because I would often get calls from my managers. I love the flexibility provided by the Kaplan Live Online classes, because we can just log in from anywhere and it also has lecture recordings, where we can listen back to the recordings if we’ve missed out on the class.

What are the best features of the Live Online classroom?

It is definitely the flexibility, where we can just watch it from anywhere. I also love that the lecturers are very engaging. They will keep asking us questions to make sure that we do not stray off to do other things.

Did you find the Kaplan platforms and content easy to use and navigate?

MyKaplan is very easy to use. Everything is in one place. The links, the materials, the calendar. I won’t miss a single class because everything is there in MyKaplan.

How would you rate the interactivity of the classes?

The classes are very interactive. It’s more like Skype, a real-time online class, and not just a video. We are able to see the tutor on the screen, and we’re about to ask him and other students questions.

How would you rate the quality of the tutors?

They are excellent. They are very experienced and knowledgeable in their own areas, and some of them are even industry experts where they can share real life experiences with us. It really makes the whole thing more practical.

What are the elements which contributed to your exam success?

I completed six papers with Kaplan within 18 months. Kaplan classes normally start very early, about 4 to 5 months before the exam, so it gives us ample preparation time to take it slow and steady and not stress ourselves too much just before the exam. The tutors also train us very well in terms of time management. Normally, the time allocated in the exam is very very short, but with Kaplan, we don’t have that issue because we are trained on every single question.

Did you feel you missed out by not attending a “traditional” classroom?

I think the only thing I missed out on is actually getting to know the people in person. While we do set up WhatsApp Groups to communicate with each other, I think it is still different from actually hanging out with each other over time.

What would you like to improve about your Kaplan study experience?

I think it is awesome, I just wish I could meet my classmates. Maybe Kaplan could organise more gatherings for us!

Would you recommend this study method to other students?

I would definitely recommend this to other students because of the flexibility, the ability to watch the recorded classes, the quality of the tutors, and I want my social life. I don’t want to miss out on too many weekend events.

How supportive is your employer towards your study method?

Sapura is very supportive of us. They give us the option to choose our own study method, and I am very grateful for that.

I’m glad that I went on this journey with Kaplan. I would strongly encourage you to do the same!

Interested in studying ACA or trying LiveOnline?

Have a look at our ACA qualification page to find out more about the courses and study methods. If you need any help or more information, you can get in touch with us and we’ll answer any questions you may have.
