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Frequently asked questions
General FAQs
Do course fees include exam fees?
How do I cancel a subscription?
Once you log in to your account you should be able to navigate to your payment history and be able to view your upcoming payments. You should be able to select – ‘Cancel my membership’. You will receive a notification that your subscription membership has been cancelled. If you choose to cancel your membership before your next payment date, you will continue to receive access until your next payment is due.
What materials will I get with a subscription?
However, we understand that many students like to have hard copies of materials. If you'd like a printed Study Text or Exam kit you can purchase them separately by contacting us.
What’s the difference between a subscription and our other study methods?
What do I get with a subscription?
You will receive access to all your chosen courses. You will be able to work through each section of your chosen modules by viewing recorded videos on individual topics. There is a particular focus on topics which are quite tricky and extra support is provided.
There is access to knowledge checks on the way which allow you to test your knowledge on a particular subject. You are also given access to the latest Progress Tests and Mocks for the next exam sitting allowing you to practice your exam technique!
Best of all, as this is a non-structured format of learning you have the flexibility to choose when you want to learn.
How long does the ACCA qualification take to complete?
When will I sit my ACCA exams?
ACCA run four exam sittings a year in March, June, September, and December. You may wish to sit two exams per sitting, twice a year or one exam per sitting, four times a year.
To find out the exact dates of this year's sittings, take a look at the exam timetables on the official ACCA website.
Where can I find information about ACCA exams?
Do I have to register with ACCA?
How do I access my learning and testing materials for CIMA?
Can I enrol on a CIMA course if it has already started?
Do course fees for CIMA include exam fees?
Noticed a mistake? If you spot a mistake on our website, in our books or on any of your online learning content please let us know the details so we can continue to improve our services.
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How do I leave feedback for ACA?
Do course fees for ACA include exam fees?
What is MyKaplan and how do I access it for AAT?
When you enrol on a course with Kaplan you will receive a registration email. This will be sent to the email address you registered with when purchasing your course. If you have purchased a Kaplan study text through a bookshop you can register on MyKaplan following the instructions inside your study text and using the ‘add a book link’ in MyKaplan. You can find out more about MyKaplan by watching this short video.
Once you have registered you can log into MyKaplan and gain access to your course calendar and reminders, contact your tutor and access your online learning content. If you were previously registered on Kaplan EN-gage you do not need to register again, you can use the same username and password to log into MyKaplan. Once registered, log in at
Can I enrol on an AAT course if it has already started?
Do course fees for AAT include exam fees?
My account
How do I update my contact details?
How do I reset my password?
Following this, you should receive an automated email with a temporary password allowing you to log in to your account. From here you can then log in and change your password on your account.
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